Academy Award-nominated animated feature, The Tale of the Princess Kaguya is a transfixing piece of animation from Japan’s legendary animation house Studio Ghibli and one of its last (for now).


Directed with sensitivity and grace by Studio Ghibli’s other veteran filmmaker Isao Takahata (Grave of the Fireflies), the film functions as a coming-of-age story about a princess born from bamboo who is adopted by a bamboo cutter and his wife. It’s a loose adaptation of the Japanese fable “Taketori monogatari” that’s enchanting in more ways than one.


A complete visual treat with a heartfelt story to boot, our writer Natalie Ng reviewed the film earlier in the year and had plenty of great things to say about what could potentially be Isao Takahata’s final feature film with Studio Ghibli:


The Tale of the Princess Kaguya can rightfully claim itself to be easily the best animated film of 2014, of the past ten years and will likely find itself to be one of Studio Ghibli’s crowning jewels – a feat itself considering the legendary output of the studio. When people talk about cinema being art, this is what they mean.”




Now you can see for yourself what everyone else saw in The Tale of the Princess Kaguya! Thanks to Madman Entertainment, we’ve got three Blu-ray copies of The Tale of the Princess Kaguya to give away! To win a copy, enter our Rafflecopter competition below and go into the running to own one of Studio Ghibli’s crowning jewels.


Please note that this competition is only open to those living in Australia and will close July 31.


The Tale of the Princess Kaguya is now available to own on DVD and Blu-ray thanks to Madman Entertainment.


a Rafflecopter giveaway